Introducing the 'ELT Sessions'

NexGen Music catches up with label artists and veteran messrs 'Earth Leakage Trip' AKA 'ELT', who after 25 years of producing as established artists (the last 5 with NexGen) still have an insatiable appetite and burning passion for creating exquisite, pioneering, and timeless music. One of their latest projects is the launch of the 'ELT Sessions'.
Neil, one half of ELT explains below in more detail:
"Each week a group of us get together for a jam. We improvise our performances, record all events, then listening back we discover our favorite sections.
The main purpose for our jamming has always been for pleasure, each of us do what we feel, and experiment as we go. The music has its own language that we communicate with to steer the arrangements. The more we tune in to this language the better our performance and the more connected to the higher source we feel. At the end of a good session we talk about how it felt and where it took us, more than what we actually did.

When we listen back its often the parts that at the time we we're playing never seemed of any particular interest that stand out. And sometimes in reverse, ideas you thought would work don't seem to compare. Working with this method does help to keep us open and fresh at all times to all ideas, and provides a good history for us to review our peak moments and refine our styles.
We've been jamming like this now for many years in-between producing Earth Leakage Trip. Recording our jams and getting a good sound has been relatively recent in the past few years.
As well as our choice sessions our recordings provide us with a good source to chop up for live remixing, taking things to a whole new hybrid level. Soon we intend to work with vocalists and develop live sets for playing out."

ELT sessions currently feature:
Drums / Keyboards - Neil Sanford
(Earth Leakage Trip)
Guitar / Bass / Drums / Keyboards - Tony Lobue
(Earth Leakage Trip)
Bass / Guitar / Keyboards - Pete Corbalan
Bass / Guitar / Keyboards / percussion - Adam Fras
ELT Sessions Volume 1 is available for viewing in the NexGen Music YouTube Channel.
Keep checking back to stay abreast of Earth Leakage Trip's musical projects and progression. You can also purchase all of ELT's music available now in the NexGen Music Store.
One love! :)